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International Moon Day 2023

International Moon Day


Today 20 July is International Moon Day. This day has declared by United Nation. 


Moon-The Moon is the one of the most beautiful planet in solar family. The moon is also known as lunar. It always rotation earth. The Moon was formed 4.51 billion year ago.

International Moon Day


Today is International Moon Day.


Moon-The Moon is the one of the most beautiful planet in solar family. The moon is also known as lunar. It always rotation earth. The Moon was formed 4.51 billion year ago.

Since from human civilization moon always attract human.


Introduction of Moon-

Weight -3.793*107


Shape- Ovel

Color -White

Planate of moon- 80

Distance of moon from earth is- 384400 Kilometer

The moon is natural satellite of earth.




There are two type of eclipse

(1)Solar eclipse

(2)Lunar eclipse.


Purnima and Amavasya


There are two main phase of moon first 15 days its size is increase and on 15th day it appears in his full size in sky. This day called Purnima.


second 15 days its size is decrease and on 15th day it disappears form. This day is called in Amavasya.


Tide-There is night of Purnima water of ocean flow

Toward bank with high level wave.



There are NASA has been doing research more than last 50 years on Moon. So NASA has send so many satellite on the Moon.


The scientist takes sample of soil, stone, measure temperature and other research for find possibilities of life.


Robot on Moon-

The NASA has send path finder robot on NASA for research.

The main purpose research on Moon is

(1)Life on moon

(2)Water on moon

(3)Can human survive on moon.

(4) Aliens on moon


The First human on the Moon-

The Neil Armstrong astronaut was the first person who reached on Moon from space craft Luna.


After it USA, India and other countries have sent so many satellite for research on Moon.

There are so many poeter, painter, write poem on moon, film made, and so many Hindi song have written on moon.





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