What is Supermoon and Bluemoon

What is Supermoon and Bluemoon-

Table of Content-


Blue Moon




(1) The moon is the natural satellite of Earth.

(2) The distance between earths to moon is 384000 KM.

(3) The Moon is revolution around Earth in elliptical path.

(4) When Moon come nearest point of the elliptical path from Earth is called is called Perigee.

(5) When Moon come  farthest point of the elliptical path from Earth is called is called Apogee.

(6)When moon is the nearest point on the earth is called is Super Moon.

(7) The Super Moon is 14% bigger and 30 % brighter than normal Full moon.




Blue Moon-


(1) When two Purnima(Full moon) in a single month is called  Blue Moon.

(2) The Blue Moon is not look Blue.

The Blue Moon and Super Moon Can see from Necked eyes. The blue moon saw 1 August and 30 August 2023 



The Supermoon and Bluemoon one of the very phenomenon which occur in space. Almost people don't know about it. So in this article there mention in easy way about Supermoon and Bluemoon.  



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