Lunar eclipse 2024

  Lunar eclipse 2024

The  first lunar eclipse of this year will occur 25 March 2024. The lunar eclipse occurs when earth come between the sun and moon.


This lunar eclipse begin 25 March 2024 at 10:23 am IST to it

25 March 2024 at 3:02 pm IST.


The total time period of lunar eclipse  is 4 hour 36 minute.

It is one of the astronomical events. 

The Holi festival will celebrate 25 March 2024. 

This Lunar eclipse will not visible in India. 

This Lunar eclipse will visible in USA, France, Switzerland, Netherland, Japan, Ireland, Belgium, Spain, England, Norway, Italy,  Greece, Australia, South America and Africa  etc.

Type of Lunar Eclipse-


There are four type of eclipse-


(1) Total Lunar Eclipse


In this Earth complete cover sun so rays of sun cannot reach on the Moon. Those kind of eclipse called total eclipse.


(2) Partial Lunar Eclipse-

In this Earth cover only some are of sun rest of area of the sun light go on the moon this kind of Lunar eclipse is called partial eclipse.


(3) Penumbral lunar eclipse

A penumbral lunar eclipse occurs when part or the entire Moon passes into the Earth's penumbra



(4) Central lunar eclipse

In This lunar eclipse moon passes through the Centre of earth.



It is one of the astronomical events. The Lunar eclipse has religious, geographical and astronomical importance.



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