What is Satellite

What is Satellite-


Table of Content



Type of satellite

How to satellite launch-

The main components of satellite

Type of satellite-

Application of satellite-


 What is Satellite-


Table of Content



Type of satellite

How to satellite launch-

The main components of satellite

Type of satellite-

Application of satellite-




Satellite-A satellite object round Earth or another planet.


Type of satellite


There are two type of satellite

Natural- The natural satellite is like moon


Artificial- This kind of satellite is made by the human. The electronic mechanical device which sends in space by space craft.


 an artificial object orbiting Earth or another planet

A satellite is an object that moves around a larger object. Man-made


How to satellite launch-


The space satellite launch by space craft.

Launch pad- the place from where satellite is launch.


The main components of satellite

Power system



Type of satellite-



Meteorological Satellite

Oceanography Satellite

Tether Satellite

Telecommunication Satellite

Biosatellite Satellite

Communication Satellite

Reconnaissance Satellite

Telecommunication Satellite

Remote sensing Satellite

Navigation Satellite

Mini Satellite

Military Satellite

Astronomical Satellite

Broadcasting Satellite

Scientific research,

Gama satellite

Earth observation


Application of satellite-




Weather forecasting







In this article The basic level information given about satellite and how they work, type of satellite, and their application.







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